360 Health– Healing That Lasts Year After Year
About this event
Do you feel like so many of us: that there is no way you want to go back to “normal” after what happened to the world in the last 15 months?
FACT: Health is more important than ever before. Many people are seeking WHOLE health that is proactive, protective, and preventative…and sustainable.
Oftentimes, transition isn’t easy. You might be asking yourself, “Where do I start?” “How do I avoid failing?” Here’s the good news: There is a pathway. It’s been built over decades. There is a community of like minded people who share your values and vision of what “is possible.” It’s a lot easier together.
We were never meant to do this alone.
We invite you to join us to discover what has worked and hasn’t for you, and pass on lessons learned. It is experiential so you leave with a road map and direction to take the first steps.
Join our upcoming workshop to learn, share and grow. Together we will create a “new normal” where you enjoy ongoing whole 360 health- healing that lasts year after year.
Begin at the beginning- our SickCare System and current statistics.
Then redefine health through a more sustainable approach with prevention.
Next, sample the benefits of a long lasting, sustainable lifestyle.
Finally we outline the unique journey of 360 Health- from LIVE Healing sessions to 5 different tracks to anti-aging and weight loss.
Because we want you to have an experience, we offer you an assessment of your current priorities in each area of your life to help you identify what is working and what is not which enables you to leave with a road map and direction.