Celebrating female authors who inspire women to be their best selves with championing belonging, generosity, and strength.
Each month, Fran picks a favorite must read. From the here-and-now to worlds far away, we will experience connection, beauty and life through the eyes of real women. We invite you to make a cup of tea and gift yourself a moment to join us on this journey!
Rebecca Minkoff was 21 when Jenna Elfman wore her I Love NY t-shirt on Jay Leno, creating instant demand for Rebecca’s 5-piece capsule collection. Four years later, in 2005, Rebecca launched the iconic Morning After Bag (M.A.B.). It’s easy to look at this success and label it “overnight”. But in Rebecca’s book Fearless: The New Rules for Unlocking Creativity, Courage, and Success, she takes us through the blood, sweat and tears that went into building her brand and her business.
She’s a great storyteller. And this book is a beautiful extension of the work she does every day to inspire women as a business leader; by way of her nonprofit, Female Fonder Collective; and through her namesake products.
“Being fearless doesn’t mean you don’t have fear. It means that as you look fear head-on, shaking in your boots, you do what’s scaring you anyways.” In her book, Rebecca shares 21 rules that she lives by when it comes to seeing fear, pushing it aside, and moving forward.
What sticks with me:
- An opportunity to try something a different way is an opportunity for growth.
- Sometimes you just need a reminder that YOU pave your own path. Look to others for inspiration rather than direction.
- When you find yourself in a situation where you feel in over your head, remind yourself that you are there for a reason and nobody belongs there more than you.
- Sometimes you win; sometimes you learn.
- Self-care without self-reflection is more of a Band-Aid than a cure-all.
- There is no such thing as achieving perfect equilibrium. Life can feel manageable, healthy, and totally under control when you’re spending time on the things that matter to you. A balancing ac t is just that- an act.
PS. I basically lived in Rebecca’s puffy-sleeved sweatshirts during COVID. When everything else around me seemed to be falling part, sometimes it was simple choices like deciding which sweatshirt to buy that brought some much-needed joy
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Rebecca Minkoff is a global, award winning brand with a wide range of apparel, handbags, footwear, jewelry, timepieces, eyewear, and fragrance. Her podcast, Superwomen with Rebecca Minkoff focuses on incredible stores on resilience, failure and success. It is consistently in the top 100 of her categories and has launched the #superwomen tribe across the world. She established Female Founder Collective, a network of businesses led by women that invest in women’s financial power across a socio-economic spectrum. It’s grown to over 9000 members and provides education, networks, and mentorship. Companies in this collective have gone on to raise over $15M in seed funding!
Fran Hauser is a bestselling author, startup investor and champion of women. For more of her book recommendations, follow her @fransbookshelf on Instagram.