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Michele Risa

Michele Risa, is CEO & Founder, Collaborative Solutions, Inc. working with thought leaders and influencers to help them identify their deepest aspirations. She is also President of Only The Source, an experiential platform designed to awaken humanity through public events, online curricula, film and virtual reality content. Michele was formerly President, Manhattan Holistic Chamber of Commerce. She is Director of Planning and Development, for Conversations New York, the foremost program of free public community-based conversations. She is an award-winning co-author of “Conscious Entrepreneurs: A Radical New Approach to Purpose, Passion & Profit.” Michele has been a TV producer since 1998.

Michele is a member of the Conscious Business Synergy Circle which launched the Conscious Business World Summit in 2019, a joint project of Humanity’s Team, the Evolutionary Leaders Circle and UNITY EARTH. She is a member of The Conscious World Citizens Academy where thought leaders and spiritual leaders develop and interconnect the more inner dimensions of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) discussion. Michele has also facilitated meditation at the United Nations.

A sought-after executive speaker, Michele has presented at the World Economic Forum, Viacom, Forbes, Barclays, United Healthcare and TEDx in Manhattan, including a 6-month program at the New York Stock Exchange. She hosts CEO roundtables and helps companies shift toward greater sustainability.

She has studied with various masters, including Yogi Bhajan, the master of Kundalini Yoga, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Jean Houston, Terry Patten and Ken Wilber. She is certified in PTSD from Guru Ram Das Center for Medicine and Hematology and in Vipassana and EFT. She holds a M.A. from Columbia University.

She is passionate about dis-ease prevention, spreading the truth about the glory of aging as a two-time marathon runner, and advancing thought leaders to promote world peace.

Maggie Sirunyan

Imagine having poor eyesight and finally getting your prescription glasses to see your and the world’s full potential. That’s what Michele Risa has done for me.

Maggie Sirunyan

New York, NY
Catherine Butler

It’s not often as business leaders that our expectations are exceeded! Working with Michele 1:1 has been truly transformative. I was so inspired with the real change I experienced, that I invited our senior management team to join me on her 90-Day Leadership Program, taking us from Theory to Practice to Mastery and thus creating a shared experience and a common language helping us grow stronger together, on a daily basis. I would highly recommend Michele and her work, and already have.

Catherine Butler

Founder and MD of At the Chapel
Victoria Stewart

Michele is a wonderful combination of wise guide and heart centered coach who is passionate about helping people break out of the ordinary into a fully authentic life. Her workshops are informative, inspirational and thoughtfully designed to support you in achieving your life vision.

Victoria Stewart

Toronto, Canada
Annie Lewallen

Michele has helped me connect to my true, authentic self. She has given me the language, tools and mindset to create my future. Because of Michele, I have learned to heal, have self-compassion, and removed blocks that prevented more meaningful connections. Her teachings and insight have led me to make critical decisions, both personal and professional, that have effectively changed the course of my life for the better.

Annie Lewallen

YSC Consulting, New York
Davis Rosborough

I am forever indebted to Michele, a woman of remarkable patience, who over the last two years has armed me with an essential tool chest that I reach for throughout my day.

Davis Rosborough

Chief of Staff, Amobee
Laura Fox

The work we do together is hard, but my life is worth it! Learning how to be my authentic self and having the confidence to live in that reality has brought me less anxiety, less fear, and so much joy, peace and love in my heart.

Laura Fox

North Carolina